The gentle personalism of traditional Catholicism.
We are a group of Catholics and friends seeking to live out the Gospel through regular prayer, simplicity, hospitality to the poor, and life in common. Our community of friends is centered around a chapel & hospitality house located between the houses of two families. We have rooms for the poor, a refectory (dining room) for open meals, gardens, and yards for chickens and children. We're inspired by the orthodox Catholic witness of Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin. Our vision is to grow by welcoming in more guests and friends to our common life, providing a communal space for fellowship and the works of mercy, and ultimately adding other houses nearby, families, singles, and supporters drawn together by a common Faith and the daily, proximate practice of it.
We are convinced that a life of online "relationships," blog wars, vapid self-help, social media "friends," "digital community," and frantic loneliness are antithetical to a life centered on Christ. We are convinced that Catholic social teaching looks like something different than what the world offers. We are convinced that true community is rooted in prayer and good work, not merely good intentions and feelings. We are convinced that true contemplation is a full life well-lived. It is common prayer in response to a desire to live out the Mass, that brought us to these convictions. Come for prayer, weekdays at 5:30 PM, with a meal after on Mondays and Fridays, or contact us for other scheduled and un-scheduled opportunities (likely to be added soon) to join us in pursuing "the gentle personalism of traditional Catholicism."
Check out our recent guest appearance on the Happy Are You Poor Podcast